
My name is Katherine. I live in West Yorkshire, just outside Hebden Bridge (Happy Valley, for those who like British drama!). I write historical fiction novels, and non-fiction about writing and living a rewarding writing life over at The Inkwell. During the next 100 days I'll be writing a novella. Who's next...?

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Sep 10Liked by Katherine Clements

Hi, Katherine. Iā€™m Sean from Seattle. Iā€™m writing a series of semi-autobiographical short stories and working on two ideas for a first novel.

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Hello Sean from Seattle! I've always wanted to go to Seattle and never made it over there. I've heard it rains a lot, which would make me feel at home. šŸ˜†

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Sep 11Liked by Katherine Clements

I have always wanted to go to Seattle too! I wonder if it's for the same reason as you, Katherine? So many of my favourite bands come from there - Grunge city! I'm a 90s girl! Looking forward to meeting you Sean from Seattle!

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Yep - Sub Pop all the way in the 90s (once I'd moved on from the 80s hair bands šŸ˜†)

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I have been to Seattle once, and previously knew it only from the film Sleepless in Seattle

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I love this concept! Iā€™m Jilly from East Yorkshire and I am working on my debut novel. Itā€™s a historical mystery set in a remote area of coastal East Yorkshire. I really need to finish editing it and get it ready for agents eyes. This sort of commitment would stop me procrastinating so thank you for this space ā˜ŗļø

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Hi Jilly! Glad to have you on board! I'm intrigued by your novel. Do you live near the sea?

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Iā€™m about 40 mins drive away from the place in my novel and I venture there regularly. Itā€™s a long walk as there are no roads anymore. Itā€™s a very special place

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Amazing. I love those forgotten places.

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Iā€™m hoping to breathe life back into it in the form of my novel, even if it is in the past ā˜ŗļø

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That's what we historical fiction writers do best - breath life into the past!

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Sep 5Liked by Katherine Clements

Hi there, I'm Sophie Meeks and live in North London. I'm writing Historical Fiction with a dash of old magic set in Roman Britain. I've finished the first book and am about to query it, so will be using this gentle challenge to get started on the second book in the planned trilogy. I loved taking part in this last year and am delighted you're running it again :-)

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Hi Sophie! It's a great time to make a start on the next one, so take your mind off the querying process šŸ˜‚ So pleased you're here!

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Sep 9Liked by Katherine Clements

Ha ha, you're so right. Just sent out my submissions to agents today so I am most definitely going to need my mind taking off it over the coming weeks!

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Sep 7Liked by Katherine Clements

SOPHIE. No-one I love writing with more

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Oh Katherine thanks so much for doing this again! Timing couldnā€™t be better!

Hi everyone, my name is Nicola, I live in Harleston, South Norfolk, my debut novel - a festive romcom called The Night Before Christmas - is published this month and so I will be working on the daunting book 2! Donā€™t let me play computer games instead!

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Hi Nicola! Perfect timing indeed! Can you drop a link to your book in here - I'd love to check it out?

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Aw thatā€™s so kind! Yes of course here it is! https://geni.us/Night-BeforeChristmas

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Thatā€™s so cute! Who doesnā€™t love a penguin?! šŸ§

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Ha ha I know right? Penguins and rescued cats and Percy pigs and die hard :) xx

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Congratulations, Nicola. That's exciting.

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Aw thank you!! Keep getting sent images of people receiving it in the post which is never going to get old I think! Such a surreal and wonderful feeling xx

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Congratulations Nicola. This is super exciting & all the best for publication day xx

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Thank you so much! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

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Sep 5Liked by Katherine Clements

My name is Fiona Mountain. I live in the Cotswolds. I write historical fiction and cosy crime. Six books under my belt but since becoming a single mother I've struggled to find the time and head space to write. 100 Days of Writing, which I did with Katherine, last year works wonders. In the next 100 days I will be planning of finish my WIP novel, kick started on the last 100 Days of Writing. Lovely way to spend the autumn. Can't wait.

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Yay! How pleasingly circular that you'll be working to finish the book you drafted last year.

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It's perfect timing! And I really loved writing with you last year.

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Yay for another mystery writer ā€” lovely to meet you, Fiona!

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Sep 6Liked by Katherine Clements

Hi Katherine. What an excellent idea! Seems like the perfect alternative to NanoWrimo. I'm Mel, from Lancashire but living in Surrey UK. I write SFF about the kind of misfits who can fight dragons but don't have the courage to stand up to their fearsome grandmothers. I'm querying a fantasy novel and I'm just starting to draft a WIP about time travel. Some of my writing about unicorns is going to be published in October with an independent children's book publisher.

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Hi Mel! So glad you're here. Yes, it's a much kinder approach that NanoWrimo. Congrats on your upcoming publication! Have you got a link to that yet?

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Sep 6Liked by Katherine Clements

Yes! I've got the links in my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/meljrey

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What a beautiful looking book!

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Sep 6Liked by Katherine Clements

Thank you so much! The illustrations are just amazing! The publisher assembled some very talented artists and that my words accompany their artwork leaves me speechless!

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Sep 5Liked by Katherine Clements

Hi, my name is Chelsea and I live in the US. I write in a variety of genres like fantasy, science-fiction, and romance. My main goal in this stage of my writing journey is to experiment and finish my little projects. Iā€™m currently focused on writing novelette length stories and the occasional microfiction here and there. In the next 100 days, I plan to finish a novelette Iā€™m working on and finish writing another one which I will be submitting to a magazine

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Hi Chelsea! Delighted to have you here. Whereabouts in the US are you based?

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Sep 5Liked by Katherine Clements


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Hey Katherine, thank you for making this space for us! My name's Charlotte, I live in London and I'm an editor at a tech magazine. Glad to say I won't be doing anything remotely day job related with my 100 days though. I've got a couple of works on the go that I'd like to polish. I also want to start a short story, but first I do need to actually sit down and edit stuff I've already drafted... As you can imagine, the editing part of the process is the bit that feels most like 'work' to me šŸ˜… so tips on that are always very welcome!

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So glad you're here, Charlotte! Welcome. I actually love editing. My first drafts are so terrible that it's all about the editing for me. In terms of tips, it depends what kind of editing you're doing. Is it big structural editing, or final draft polishing?

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Thanks Katherine. Polishing I find easy enough, but the big structural edits I struggle with. I just find it so hard to be sufficiently objective/distanced from my work!

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That IS hard! The only way that works for me is to have time away from it and come back with a fresh eye. Then read the whole thing through. I make notes about anything I notice as I read, but don't edit or make any changes at that point. It's a tricky one though, always. That's where working with an editor is invaluable, or getting feedback from a trusted first reader.

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Ah, this is definitely wise advice. Thank you!

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Also finding editing the hard work!

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Sep 8Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello! Thank you for this generous and gentle prod. I live just outside of Washington, DC, in Maryland. I am writing a novel about the ā€œsentimental educationā€ of a college student, set in Alabama in the late 70s, so I guess itā€™s a historical novel. I am interested in everything this character learns outside of the classroom. I hope to discover if I can/should tell this story in 1st person. Iā€™m spending too much time listening to music of that period and not enough time writing. This is my first attempt at a novel.

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Hello Evelyn! So glad you found us! 70s is a great period to explore and you're so right about the music! Who are your favourites from that era?

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Sep 8Liked by Katherine Clements

Hi Evelyn, I think weā€™re in the same part of Maryland (Iā€™m in Potomac). Happy to see someone from my neck of the woods in this challenge!

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Hello, I'm in the Cotswolds, in the UK, but the novel I'm writing has a couple of scenes set in Mount Vernon, which I think is near to you?!

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About 40 minutes- we have taken the kids there quite a few times!

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Iā€™m in Silver Spring. Good luck to us! And thanks for the greeting.

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Funny to think of the 70s as historical fiction :). And great music from that period too!! I just named my kitten Morris and only I seem to know that reference!

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Yes, you know youā€™re old when a decade you lived in is considered ā€œhistoricalā€. And what a flashback ā€” Morris the cat! Another thing to look at ā€” commercials from that period!

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I am already obsessed a bit with your character! In fact, I could be that character! Telling it in first person would offer such a lovely perspective. And yes, the music is just the best! Looking forward to hearing updates.


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Thank you! You just blew a little life into my protagonist. Is she interesting enough for the reader to stick with for an entire novel? She probably thinks so. šŸ˜‰

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Well, if I'm her, and I think I might be, then of course we are interesting enough!

I wrote a screenplay after immersion in the music of Van Morrison - the music is probably helping more than you know! (Dancing with Van Morrison is the title.)

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Sep 7Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello Katherine, thank you for sharing this gentle writing challenge. I live in Massachusetts and Iā€™m hoping #100 days will help me complete my first novel.

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Hi Karen! Delighted you found us. What kind of story are you writing?

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Sep 5Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello everyone, Iā€™m Laura and I live in North London with my husband, toddler and two cats. I write historical fiction about late medieval women. 100 days of writing has come at the perfect time for me, as I have a book deadline for the end of the year. I will also be in isolation for my thyroid cancer treatment in the first half of October. Iā€™m reframing this for myself as a ā€˜writing retreatā€™ and plan to use the time to focus on my WIP.

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Hello Laura! I love how you've reframed your isolation time as a retreat. I hope the treatment is not too daunting. Delighted to have you with us.

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Lovely to meet you and wishing you all the best with the writing and your treatment xx

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Sep 13Ā·edited Sep 13

Hope you feel well supported by all of us. I had enough of shielding during the COVID pandemic so I wish you much solidarity. The only plus side was that I wrote the first draft of my textbook April to October 2020, and Iā€™ve been editing and improving it ever since! So framing as a writing retreat is definitely a goer šŸ˜Š

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Your work sounds fascinating, and I hope to find some of it to read. Thinking all the happiest thoughts for your writing retreat.


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Positive thoughts!!! Writing retreat it is!

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Kia ora, Iā€™m Sam and I grew up in London. I live on the Kāpiti Coast, Aotearoa New Zealand! Iā€™m autistic and ADHD, and in perimenopausal hell. I write to advocate and raise awareness of autistic perimenopause here:


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Hi Sam! Big welcome. Very important work you're doing. I'm also in perimenopause and I hear you!

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Sep 7Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello everyone! My name is Alicia, I have been part of this app for a while, but never actually wrote anything yet. I hope to change that soon. I live in Brockport NY with my best friend and husband of the past 16 years Josh and our 3 very rambunctious kiddos. We have a 16 year old daughter (Giada), 14 year old son (Aiden) and a 10 year old son (Ethan). We also live with our 3 dogs and cat. I have been writing for as long as I can remember and even as a kid I knew I wanted to become an author. I used to write poetry in highschool and since becoming a mother I have not written much. But recently I have been called back to the dream of writing a book. I haven't put pen to pape rin so long and overthink things regularly. This challenge will give me the playful kick in the butt I need to start somewhere. Thank you Katherine for allowing us to be a part of this challenge with you. I sure could use some accountability. I look forward to meeting new likeminded writing friends. Hope everyone has a great 100 days of writing.

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Welcome Alicia! This is such a perfect challenge for someone who has a crazy busy life like you because even a few minutes of writing counts. The concept of gentleness is great too, because it's all about being kind to yourself, accepting limits and seeing what you CAN fit in to an already hectic life. I hope you enjoy the ride!

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Sep 9Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello ā€“ I am Paul from Tallahassee, Florida. I am working on two concepts. The first is a nonfiction description of a few of the environmental changes we see happening before our eyes. The second is a short fictional account set in the somewhat near future. It is tending dystopian but I am trying to steer it from being depressing.

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Hello Paul! Oh, this is so interesting. My project is going to be near-future set and a mix of horror and climate fiction - like you I'm not going for depressing, but maybe thought-provoking?!

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Sep 7Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello! My name is Lisa, and I live in Brooklyn, NY, USA. I have a goal of completing my novel by the end of the year and had created a challenge similar to this one for myself. So happy to have found some support!

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Oh fantastic, Lisa! I hope it'll help to be part of a community. We'll be cheering you on!

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Sep 6Liked by Katherine Clements

Hello there, Sus Seachanger checking in. I live in the beautiful but annoyingly land locked West Yorkshire near the Cow and Calf on Ilkley Moor. I write Poetry and literary long form. I'll be working on my next poetry collection and my novel.

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Yay! You found us! šŸ˜

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